Violeta Mayoral Un buen lugar para dar marcha atrás. Sal1. Agua2.
Un buen lugar para dar marcha atrás. Sal1. Agua2. es el título con el que Violeta Mayoral agrupa dos de sus últimos proyectos: Huye y Los 100. Estas propuestas tienen dos cosas en común. La primera es que ambas −a medio camino entre lo performático y lo documental− exploran el encuentro como acto creativo; en Huye las protagonistas esperan un encuentro que nunca se dará y en Los 100 el encuentro es el fenómeno que desintegra al grupo. La segunda característica que comparten es la aparición de un punto de inflexión, provocado por las decisiones que toman los participantes en unas circunstancias concretas, y que acaba por determinar el desenlace de los proyectos.
El arrepentimiento y la fe son los estados que han servido aquí para poner de relieve otros aspectos de la experiencia humana: el sentimiento
de pertenencia al grupo, el miedo, la esperanza, la frustración, la autoridad, el otro, y la espera de todo aquello que se acumula en la idealización.
El vídeo instalado en la galería muestra una videollamada en grupo en la que dos bailarinas esperan encontrarse para llevar a cabo la coreografía
en la que habían estado trabajando durante un mes.Lo que no saben es que ese encuentro nunca llegará.
El código de tiempo que aparece en la pantalla indica el tiempo que llevan esperándose e invita a preguntarse qué es lo que hace que no se den por vencidas. En el bar de la esquina se proyectó otra de las videollamadas que la artista mantuvo con las protagonistas.
Los 100 es un proyecto en desarrollo que se inició con el propósito de crear una comunidad de personas. El elemento en común sería tener tatuado
un número del 1 al 100 con la idea de llevar a cabo un encuentro, todos juntos, sin saber qué iba a pasar. Para esa primera convocatoria se les propuso traer un paquete de sal. Uno a uno los asistentes fueron interpelados para determinar quiénes querían seguir involucrados en el proyecto.
39 respondieron afirmativamente. A ellos se les convocó a un segundo encuentro al que debían llevar una botella de agua no potable. 14 asistieron. Esta secuencia de encuentros tendrá continuidad hasta llegar el momento en que uno de los dos últimos participantes decida no asistir.
Un buen lugar para dar marcha atrás. Sal1. Agua2. is the title under wich Violeta Mayoral gathers her last two projects, Huye y Los 100. These works have two things in common. The firts one is the fact that both of them -halfway between the performatic art and the documental work- want to explore the encounter as a creative act; in Huye, the two main characters wait for a meeting that nerver comes; while in Los 100 the meeting
is the phenomenon that desintegrates the group. The second thing that they share is the presence of an inflection point, given by the decisions that the participants make when they are exposed to certain circumstances, wich end determinating the outcome of the proyects. The regret and the faith are here the keys that bring up other aspects of the human experience as the feeling of belonging, the fear, the hope, the frustration, the authority, the other, and the expectation of everything that is acumulated in idealization.
The video played at the gallery shows a group video call in wich two dancers wait to perform the choreography that have been rehearsing together
for a month. What they dont know is that the encounter will never come.
The time code that appears on the screen indicates the time that they have been waiting for each other, and suggest the question about what is it that makes them don´t give up. A different video call between the artist and the dancers was beeing played at the corner bar.
Los 100 is a project yet developing that started with the purpose of creating a community of people. The common thing between them would
be having a tattoo of a number from 1 to 100 with the idea of carry out an encounter, all together, without knowing what was going to happen.
They were asked to bring a packet of salt. One in one the people who attended were urged to decide if wanted to keep involved to the project.
39 answered affirmatively. They were invited to a second meeting to wich they should bring a bottle of non-potable water. 14 attended.
This secuence of encounters will continue until the moment that one of the two last paticipants doesn´t attend.
Un buen lugar para dar marcha atrás. Sal1. Agua2. is the title under wich Violeta Mayoral gathers her last two projects, Huye y Los 100. These works have two things in common. The firts one is the fact that both of them -halfway between the performatic art and the documental work- want to explore the encounter as a creative act; in Huye, the two main characters wait for a meeting that nerver comes; while in Los 100 the meeting
is the phenomenon that desintegrates the group. The second thing that they share is the presence of an inflection point, given by the decisions that the participants make when they are exposed to certain circumstances, wich end determinating the outcome of the proyects. The regret and the faith are here the keys that bring up other aspects of the human experience as the feeling of belonging, the fear, the hope, the frustration, the authority, the other, and the expectation of everything that is acumulated in idealization.
The video played at the gallery shows a group video call in wich two dancers wait to perform the choreography that have been rehearsing together
for a month. What they dont know is that the encounter will never come.
The time code that appears on the screen indicates the time that they have been waiting for each other, and suggest the question about what is it that makes them don´t give up. A different video call between the artist and the dancers was beeing played at the corner bar.
Los 100 is a project yet developing that started with the purpose of creating a community of people. The common thing between them would
be having a tattoo of a number from 1 to 100 with the idea of carry out an encounter, all together, without knowing what was going to happen.
They were asked to bring a packet of salt. One in one the people who attended were urged to decide if wanted to keep involved to the project.
39 answered affirmatively. They were invited to a second meeting to wich they should bring a bottle of non-potable water. 14 attended.
This secuence of encounters will continue until the moment that one of the two last paticipants doesn´t attend.