Sinéad Spelman
Sinéad Spelman nació en Dublin en 1978. Vive y trabaja en Barcelona. Su trabajo se centra en las dialécticas del cuerpo, en estados no productivos, de un cuerpo que no consume, pero es consumido por si mismo, de un cuerpo en forma de planta, brotando de la tierra, de extremidades y extremidades perdidas. El cuerpo es la clave de la expresión visual de nuestra condición; las partes del cuerpo descontextualizadas dudan de la esencia de la integridad física y sugieren una identidad fragmentada e incompleta. Extremidades y objetos indefinidos entran en contacto, confunden y diluyen sus fronteras proponiendo atravesar los límites que optan por otras posibilidades de relación con el mundo y revelan maneras inusuales de habitarlo desde una cierta disfuncionalidad. No hay abundancia de lo anónimo, personajes femeninos sin rostro, acurrucados y agachados, en estados de soledad, de profunda introspeción y pasividad. Su indolencia demanda el derecho a lo invisible, a una falta de productividad, a parar, no volverse beneficioso ni vendible y finalmente el derecho de ser infeliz en una sociedad hiperactiva donde la incesante producción de la subjetividad se ha convertido en un motor económico. Los dibujos de Sinéad Spelman llevan su momento de creación a flote. Su trazo es simple y revela a través de su desnudez que no había una idea o un esquema preconcebido que seguir ni que hay nada añadido de más, somos directamente llevados al momento donde el dibujo apareció. Sus obras nos insinuan el significado pero básicamente desafian una lectura simple, la intención es siempre dejar al dibujo tomar un camino involuntario ya que la artista nos ofrece diversas sugerencias.
Una selección de sus recientes proyectos incluirían Rest on the Flight en la Fundación Suñol (Barcelona), This Condition en la Galeria Alegria (Madrid), An Essay on Fatigue, comisariado por Marti Peran, en Fabra i Coats (Barcelona), Elbow en etHALL (Barcelona), Diario de Moscú en la Galería Carolina Rojo (Zaragoza), The Mystic Fable, comisariado por David Armengol, en Ana Mas Projects (Barcelona), Chimney Song en la Galeria Alegria (Barcelona), Untitled Landscape en Angels Barcelona. Su obra ha sido mostrada también en ferias de arte como Arte Santander, Pareidolie (Marsella), Swab, Loop i Just Madrid. Spelman estudió en PEI (programa para estudios independientes dirigido por Pol B. Preciado), MACBA (Barcelona), en Eina (Barcelona) i en la National University of Ireland (Galway). Es la co-fundadora y coordinadora del proyecto Halfhouse ( en Barcelona donde ha comisariado exposiciones de artistas como Julia Spínola, Renata Lucas, Katja Mater y David Bestué, entre muchos otros más.
Una selección de sus recientes proyectos incluirían Rest on the Flight en la Fundación Suñol (Barcelona), This Condition en la Galeria Alegria (Madrid), An Essay on Fatigue, comisariado por Marti Peran, en Fabra i Coats (Barcelona), Elbow en etHALL (Barcelona), Diario de Moscú en la Galería Carolina Rojo (Zaragoza), The Mystic Fable, comisariado por David Armengol, en Ana Mas Projects (Barcelona), Chimney Song en la Galeria Alegria (Barcelona), Untitled Landscape en Angels Barcelona. Su obra ha sido mostrada también en ferias de arte como Arte Santander, Pareidolie (Marsella), Swab, Loop i Just Madrid. Spelman estudió en PEI (programa para estudios independientes dirigido por Pol B. Preciado), MACBA (Barcelona), en Eina (Barcelona) i en la National University of Ireland (Galway). Es la co-fundadora y coordinadora del proyecto Halfhouse ( en Barcelona donde ha comisariado exposiciones de artistas como Julia Spínola, Renata Lucas, Katja Mater y David Bestué, entre muchos otros más.
Sinéad Spelman was born in Dublin in 1978. She lives and works in Barcelona. Her work centres on the dialectics of the body, on non-productive states, of a body that does not consume, but is itself consumed, of a body in plant form, sprouting from the groud ,of limbs and missing limbs. The
body is the key visual expression of our condition; decontextualized body parts question the essence of physical integrity and suggest a fragmented and incomplete identity. Limbs and undefined objects come into contact, they confuse and dilute their borders by proposing a crossing of limits that opts for other possibilities of relationship with the world and reveals unusual ways of inhabiting it from a certain dysfunctionality. There is an abundance of anonymous, faceless female characters, huddled and crouched , in states of solitude, deep introspection and passivity. Their indolence makes a claim to the right to invisibility, to a lack of productivity, to stop, go on strike, not to become profitable or sellable and ultimately the right to be unhappy in a hyperactive society where the incessant production of subjectivity has become an economic engine. Sinéad Spelman's drawings bring their moment of creation to the fore, the stroke is simple and reveals through its bareness that there was no preconceived idea or scheme to follow nor is there anything added, we are brought directly to the moment when the drawing appeared. The works hint towards meaning but ultimately defy a simple reading, the intention is always to allow the drawing take an unintended path as the artist offers suggestions.
A selection of recent projects includes Rest on the Flight at Fundació Suñol (Barcelona), This Condition at Galeria Alegria (Madrid), An Essay on Fatigue, curated by Marti Peran, at Fabra i Coats (Barcelona), Elbow at etHALL (Barcelona), Diario de Moscú at Galeria Carolina Rojo (Zaragoza), The Mystic Fable, curated by David Armengol, at Ana Mas Projects (Barcelona), Chimney Song at Galeria Alegria (Barcelona), Untitled Landscape at Angels Barcelona. Her work has been shown in art fairs such as ArteSantander, Pareidolie (Marseille), SWAB, Loop and Just Madrid. She has studied in PEI (program for independent studies directed by Pol B. Preciado), in MACBA (Barcelona), in Eina (Barcelona) and in the National University of Ireland (Galway). She is the co-founder and coordinator of the project space Halfhouse ( in Barcelona where she has curated exhibitions by artists such as Julía Spinola, Renata Lucas, Katja Mater and David Bastué, amongst many others.
body is the key visual expression of our condition; decontextualized body parts question the essence of physical integrity and suggest a fragmented and incomplete identity. Limbs and undefined objects come into contact, they confuse and dilute their borders by proposing a crossing of limits that opts for other possibilities of relationship with the world and reveals unusual ways of inhabiting it from a certain dysfunctionality. There is an abundance of anonymous, faceless female characters, huddled and crouched , in states of solitude, deep introspection and passivity. Their indolence makes a claim to the right to invisibility, to a lack of productivity, to stop, go on strike, not to become profitable or sellable and ultimately the right to be unhappy in a hyperactive society where the incessant production of subjectivity has become an economic engine. Sinéad Spelman's drawings bring their moment of creation to the fore, the stroke is simple and reveals through its bareness that there was no preconceived idea or scheme to follow nor is there anything added, we are brought directly to the moment when the drawing appeared. The works hint towards meaning but ultimately defy a simple reading, the intention is always to allow the drawing take an unintended path as the artist offers suggestions.
A selection of recent projects includes Rest on the Flight at Fundació Suñol (Barcelona), This Condition at Galeria Alegria (Madrid), An Essay on Fatigue, curated by Marti Peran, at Fabra i Coats (Barcelona), Elbow at etHALL (Barcelona), Diario de Moscú at Galeria Carolina Rojo (Zaragoza), The Mystic Fable, curated by David Armengol, at Ana Mas Projects (Barcelona), Chimney Song at Galeria Alegria (Barcelona), Untitled Landscape at Angels Barcelona. Her work has been shown in art fairs such as ArteSantander, Pareidolie (Marseille), SWAB, Loop and Just Madrid. She has studied in PEI (program for independent studies directed by Pol B. Preciado), in MACBA (Barcelona), in Eina (Barcelona) and in the National University of Ireland (Galway). She is the co-founder and coordinator of the project space Halfhouse ( in Barcelona where she has curated exhibitions by artists such as Julía Spinola, Renata Lucas, Katja Mater and David Bastué, amongst many others.