La obra de Martín Vitaliti se genera en la manipulación de los distintos elementos que contituyen el lenguaje del cómic. La página, la sucesión
de viñetas, como marco espacio temporal en donde se desarrolla una acción, es el elemento principal que interviene el autor. Utilizando distintos recursos formales traza varias lineas de investigación que funcionan a un tiempo como sintesis y expansión de los sucesos que previamente existían en las páginas que manipula. Los diálogos dejan de lado las anécdotas que relataban para convertirse en sentencias poéticas que llaman a nuestra percepción del mundo. Los personajes abandonan los relatos que les dieron sentido para desafiar los límites de nuestra fisicidad. Las páginas
se amontonan como realidades paralelas que se superponen.
La exposición "y en ese preciso instante..." es la primera muestra individual del autor. etHALL presentó el trabajo de Vitaliti en la pasada edición
de JustMad 03, en Madrid, donde fue galardonado con el premio Museo ABC. El libro "Líneas Cinéticas" editado por Save As...Publications y presentado en diversas ferias internacionales podrá adquirirse también en la sala.
The work of Martín Vitaliti is generated in the manipulation of the different elements that constitute the language of the comic. The page,
the succession of vignettes, as a temporary space framework where an action takes place, is the main element that intervenes the author. Using different formal resources, he traces several lines of research that work simultaneously as a synthesis and expansion of the events that previously existed in the pages he manipulates. The dialogues leave aside the anecdotes that they related to become poetic sentences that call our perception
of the world. The characters abandon the stories that gave them meaning to challenge the limits of our physicality. The pages are piled up as parallel realities that overlap.
The exhibition "and at that precise moment ..." is the author's first solo exhibition. etHALL presented the work of Vitaliti in the last edition of JustMad 03, in Madrid, where he was awarded the ABC Museum prize. The book "Lines Kinetics" published by Save As ... Publications and presented at various international fairs can also be purchased in the room.
the succession of vignettes, as a temporary space framework where an action takes place, is the main element that intervenes the author. Using different formal resources, he traces several lines of research that work simultaneously as a synthesis and expansion of the events that previously existed in the pages he manipulates. The dialogues leave aside the anecdotes that they related to become poetic sentences that call our perception
of the world. The characters abandon the stories that gave them meaning to challenge the limits of our physicality. The pages are piled up as parallel realities that overlap.
The exhibition "and at that precise moment ..." is the author's first solo exhibition. etHALL presented the work of Vitaliti in the last edition of JustMad 03, in Madrid, where he was awarded the ABC Museum prize. The book "Lines Kinetics" published by Save As ... Publications and presented at various international fairs can also be purchased in the room.