Interesado por intervenir directamente sobre la percepción de todo lo que nos envuelve, ha utilizado el mismo espacio expositivo en diversas ocasiones como un material mas con el que interactuar. La mayor parte de su trabajo está relacionado directamente con el lugar donde se halla. La técnica que utiliza está determinada en cada caso por la idea y es por ello que no utiliza ninguna técnica en particular. Una parte considerable de sus intereses se orienta ahora hacia las intervenciones en el exterior.
Ha realizado sus exposiciones individuales mas destacables en el CASM en Barcelona, en el Museo español de Arte contemporáneo en Valladolid, en el C.A.C.Málaga, en laFundación Miró de Barcelona, En La Casa Encendida en Madrid y su obra se ha podido ver en la colección permanente del MNCARS. Además ha participado en diferentes exposiciones colectivas en Guatemala,Tokio, Berlin, Oporto, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Escocia, Annemasse, Valence, Valencia, Bilbao,Sevilla y Zumaia entre otros. En la actualidad vive y trabaja en Barcelona.
Luis Bisbe trabaja usualmente con objetos cotidianos, generando situaciones de extrañeza en el espacio interior o público. Bisbe es un agudo observador de las paradojas que se dan en la vida cotidiana: mensajes contradictorios, ironías involuntarias, objetos disfuncionales. En sus obras hay ligeros desplazamientos que desestabilizan la percepción de las cosas intentando a la vez limpiarlas de su aura artística. Al respecto el artista anota: “he ido abandonando todavía más la representación. Este abandono ha venido acompañado del deseo de trabajar con objetos que son la representación más perfecta de sí mismos. Y (…) he tratado de migrar hacia donde están las cosas, hacia afuera. El exterior es mucho más complejo y rico que la sala de exposiciones.”
Interested in directly intervening on the perception of everything that surrounds us, we have used the same exhibition space on several occasions as a material with which to interact. Most of his work is directly related to where he is. The technique he uses is determined in each case by the idea and that is why he does not use any particular technique. A considerable part of their interests is now directed towards interventions abroad.
He has made his most outstanding individual exhibitions at the CASM in Barcelona, at the Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art in Valladolid, at CACMálaga, at the Miró Foundation in Barcelona, at Casa Encendida in Madrid and his work can be seen in the permanent collection of the MNCARS. He has also participated in different group exhibitions in Guatemala, Tokyo, Berlin, Oporto, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Scotland, Annemasse, Valence, Valencia, Bilbao, Seville and Zumaia among others. He currently lives and works in Barcelona.
Luis Bisbe usually works with everyday objects, generating situations of strangeness in the interior or public space. Bisbe is a keen observer of the paradoxes that occur in everyday life: contradictory messages, involuntary ironies, dysfunctional objects. In his works there are slight displacements that destabilize the perception of things while trying to clean them of their artistic aura. In this regard the artist notes: "I have been abandoning the representation even more, this abandonment has come to the desire to work with objects that are the most perfect representation of themselves, and (...) the treaty of migrating to where things are The exterior is much more complex and rich than the exhibition hall."
(composición realizada a partir de un texto de José Roca)
He has made his most outstanding individual exhibitions at the CASM in Barcelona, at the Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art in Valladolid, at CACMálaga, at the Miró Foundation in Barcelona, at Casa Encendida in Madrid and his work can be seen in the permanent collection of the MNCARS. He has also participated in different group exhibitions in Guatemala, Tokyo, Berlin, Oporto, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Scotland, Annemasse, Valence, Valencia, Bilbao, Seville and Zumaia among others. He currently lives and works in Barcelona.
Luis Bisbe usually works with everyday objects, generating situations of strangeness in the interior or public space. Bisbe is a keen observer of the paradoxes that occur in everyday life: contradictory messages, involuntary ironies, dysfunctional objects. In his works there are slight displacements that destabilize the perception of things while trying to clean them of their artistic aura. In this regard the artist notes: "I have been abandoning the representation even more, this abandonment has come to the desire to work with objects that are the most perfect representation of themselves, and (...) the treaty of migrating to where things are The exterior is much more complex and rich than the exhibition hall."
(composición realizada a partir de un texto de José Roca)