Cien rostros iguales
Una frase apuntada al aire que se queda en la cabeza.
Julia Spínola presenta en etHALL un grupo de trabajos que continúan su investigación acerca de la construcción de una imagen de lo cercano,
de lo que se pone en movimiento cuando uno también se pone en movimiento. Ciudad desplegada en dos gestos, a lo largo y de frente. El encuentro fortuito durante el proceso de trabajo con Poeta en Nueva York de Lorca sirve a la artista como referencia para esta exposición, a la manera
de conversación imaginada con el autor, que interroga en este libro a una ciudad e intenta abrirla con las palabras, desde la escritura.
El grupo de dibujos Cien rostros iguales conforman una reconstrucción, un proceso de montaje y desmontaje de un mismo motivo. El dibujo
de una calle que se abre en perspectiva, una trama, con la presencia interpuesta de una figura, unos pies, se mezclan con este fondo y con algunos detalles aislados de los dibujos que Lorca realizó en su estancia en Nueva York.
En diálogo con los dibujos se presenta la pieza Arpas de la saliva, doce barras horizontales de sal aglutinada. Un homenaje al verso de Lorca
que da título a la pieza.
Cien rostros iguales
A phrase that floats above the head.
Julia Spínola presents at etHALL a body of works that continue her investigation about the construction of an image of closeness, of what is set
in motion when the body sets in motion. City deployed in two gestures, along and front. The fortuitous encounter during the work process with Poeta in Nueva York by Federico García Lorca serves to the artist like a reference for this exhibition, in the way of the imagined conversation with
the author who interrogates a city and tries to open it through words.
The group of drawings Cien rostros iguales make up a reconstruction, a process of assembly and disassembly of a single motif. The drawing of a street that opens up in perspective, a pattern with the juxtaposed presence of a figure and feet mix within this background and other isolated details
of the drawings that Lorca made during his stay in New York.
In a dialogue with the drawings the work Arpas de la saliva composed of twelve horizontal bars of agglutinated salt is presented. A homage
to the verse by Lorca that gives the piece its title.
A phrase that floats above the head.
Julia Spínola presents at etHALL a body of works that continue her investigation about the construction of an image of closeness, of what is set
in motion when the body sets in motion. City deployed in two gestures, along and front. The fortuitous encounter during the work process with Poeta in Nueva York by Federico García Lorca serves to the artist like a reference for this exhibition, in the way of the imagined conversation with
the author who interrogates a city and tries to open it through words.
The group of drawings Cien rostros iguales make up a reconstruction, a process of assembly and disassembly of a single motif. The drawing of a street that opens up in perspective, a pattern with the juxtaposed presence of a figure and feet mix within this background and other isolated details
of the drawings that Lorca made during his stay in New York.
In a dialogue with the drawings the work Arpas de la saliva composed of twelve horizontal bars of agglutinated salt is presented. A homage
to the verse by Lorca that gives the piece its title.