ANTONI HERVÀS AGON 28.06 / 30.07.2016
etHALL presenta la exposición de Antoni Hervàs, Agón, un nuevo capítulo de "El Misterio de Claviria"*, resultado de un diálogo entre Lluis Quinrob, afamado joyero forjado en el seno de la farándula barcelonesa, y Antoni Hervàs sobre la posibilidad de insuflar vida a un dibujo.
Asistimos entonces a la creación de un monstruo. Una suerte de proceso-tributo frankensteiniano a Pierrot, en el que capa tras capa se va trenzando realidad y ficción para traer de vuelta la fantasía del mítico cabaret local.
"En sus trabajos hay una conexión confusa entre fantasía y realidad y documenta los indicios que evidencian el misticismo que reside en lo cotidiano. Dibujos que encierran narraciones efectistas cercanas y arraigadas en la cultura popular, que permiten que las proezas de su padre sean universales o que su abuela se convierta en un emblema pop."
"Siento fascinación por los medios de creación, edición y promoción a bajo coste, y experimento con formatos alternativos a la idea convencional de museo y de objeto artístico. También por las cosas que se han quedado en el olvido."
etHALL presents the exhibition of Antoni Hervàs, Agón, a new chapter of "El Misterio de Claviria", the result of a dialogue between Lluis Quinrob, famous jeweler forged in the heart of Barcelona's entertainment, and Antoni Hervàs on the possibility of breathing life to a drawing.
We are witnessing the creation of a monster. A kind of Frankensteinian process-tribute to Pierrot, in which layer after layer is weaving reality and fiction to bring back the fantasy of the mythical local cabaret.
"In his works there is a confusing connection between fantasy and reality and documents the evidence that shows the mysticism that resides in the everyday, drawings that contain sensational narratives close and rooted in popular culture, which allow his father's exploits to be universal or let your grandmother become a pop emblem. "
"I feel fascination with the means of creation, editing and promotion at low cost, and experiment with alternative formats to the conventional idea of museum and artistic object, as well as things that have been forgotten."
Bea Espejo. El Cultural, Dibujo en Fuga, julio 2014.
We are witnessing the creation of a monster. A kind of Frankensteinian process-tribute to Pierrot, in which layer after layer is weaving reality and fiction to bring back the fantasy of the mythical local cabaret.
"In his works there is a confusing connection between fantasy and reality and documents the evidence that shows the mysticism that resides in the everyday, drawings that contain sensational narratives close and rooted in popular culture, which allow his father's exploits to be universal or let your grandmother become a pop emblem. "
"I feel fascination with the means of creation, editing and promotion at low cost, and experiment with alternative formats to the conventional idea of museum and artistic object, as well as things that have been forgotten."
Bea Espejo. El Cultural, Dibujo en Fuga, julio 2014.